Mirror, mirror…

Is it just me or do some mirrors make you look wider and dumpier than others? What is that? For example, I was at church this past Sunday, feeling pretty cute that day:-), and liking my outfit. But why is that when I go to the bathroom and look in the mirror all I see is a little brown pumpkin staring back at me?! I was not well with that..lol. I know I’m only 5’3″ and need to lose weight but I don’t need some mirror pointing it out to me!! I like those mirrors that make me look leaner and at least 5’5″. Can we just make those? Ooh, as a mompreneur maybe I need to make and manufacture my own. Yes, I am working on dropping the weight, but in the meantime I need all mirrors to cooperate and help me create the illusion of being slimmer.

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